Thursday, June 9, 2011


First off, I would like to take this opportunity to say congrats to Jared Leto for gaining 500,000 followers on Twitter!! WE DID IT ECHELON! He is such an inspiration. Secondly, I would like to say congrats to Jared, Tomo & Shannon for winning 2 awards at the Kerrang Awards in London last night! Once again, they dedicated the awards to us, the Echelon for our never ending support & love. We want to say that we love you guys & will always be here whenever you need us; support & love alike. You guys deserve everything you have ever gotten & have yet to gain.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Saturday June 4th was Q101's Jamboree Fest at the First Midwest Bank Ampitheater. 30 Seconds To Mars was one of the headliners. They performed last since they were the biggest band there. I also think they played last because 3/4 of the people there were solely there to see them because after this world tour theyre going on hiatus :(  I was surprised by a friend request on facebook by a woman I've never met or heard of in my entire life and she wanted me to have her Jamboree tickets....FOR FREE!! I was so happy & thanked her endlessly. I took Anna & we went to rock our socks off for the day! We got to the ampitheater at 9am, waited for the parking gates to open at 11 then waited for the ampitheater doors to open at 12. I got 2nd degree sunburn, but in the end, it was totally worth it all. MARS was the last performance, going on at about 9:45pm, also with the longest set; 1 hour long, campared to Papa Roach who had 50 minutes & Seether who had 55 minutes. This was a dream come true. My very first 30STM concert. Seeing my all time favorite band for the first time was so amazing. I rocked out to all the songs they played and took a million pictures. We were against the baracade the whole day just so we could see Jared, Tomo & Shannon. They obviously played Closer To The Edge & Jared brought about 10 people on stage for that song. After that song, there was confetti flying in the air with little phrases on each of them that said things like, "Yes, this is a cult", "We love you - @30SECONDSTOMARS", "Provehito In Altum", "Find the Argus Apocraphex" & yes they even said "Help, I'm trapped in a fortune cookie factory". The last song the guys performed was Kings + Queens. And anyone who knows MARS knows that this is the song where Jared calls people up on stage to sing and jump around with the band. He said he was going to call up 20 or 30 people in addition to the 10 or so that were already up there. He was picking people out of the crowd. He picked the guy standing next to me and the guy standing next to Anna, but not me or Anna. Then people started lifting themselves over the baracade and running up on stage. I was trying to get the attention of 2 of the guards but they wouldnt lift me out. Then I grabbed onto the security guard that looked like kanye west and started yelling that i wanted to get out. He pulled me over the baracade & I RAN UP ON STAGE TO BE WITH MY FAMILY!!!! yes, my first 30 Seconds To Mars concert and I was in the front then wound up getting to go on stage with them. At one point, I was standing right next to Tomo, literally about 5 inches from his face and then at another point, about 1 or 2 feet from Jared. I never got a chance to go over by Shannon while he was playing, but when it was all over, I went by his drumset & took a couple pictures of it. I was crying tears of joy when I got off and met up with Anna. Saturday was honestly the best night of my life. I also bought a MARS shirt. I took so many pictures. 112 from the whole day & 1 video from when I was on stage. It was truly an experience of a life time and I will never forget it. I hope one day I'll get to see them again at one of their own shows. I'm not sure when that will be and I dont know how long theyre break is going to be. But I know that whey will come out with another album and stun the Echelon & the world, yet again. This band is my life. They are the reason I wake up in the morning. They are my motivation and the driving force that keeps me going. If it wasnt for Jared, Shannon & Tomo, I'm not sure what would happen to me. I saw my all time favorite band live in concert (although it wasnt their show), got front row & was on stage during Kings + Queens. Ill will never forget that night for as long as I live & will tell everyone this story who doesnt already know.