Thursday, April 28, 2011

State of the Union

I'm a little late on this one (lol).  The guys had an hour plus long live interview, Q&A, whatever you want to call it on earlier today.  People in the small crowd that was there got to ask Jared, Tomo & Shannon questions and people we able to tweet their questions.  The tweets were being randomly picked by the interviewer and by the guys themselves.  Some were rather funny and other were questions that Jared and the boys really had deep, meaningful answers to.  It was really nice to watch.  There was a live feed of questions from facebook and twitter going on the right side of the page and some of the questions (or requests) ranged from very strange to very honest.  #ASK30STM was actually a worldwide trending topic on passed up RoyalWedding, which everyone tought was pretty funny/cool.  This band is simply amazing.  If there is another word out there in the word world that can describe how amazing and special and inspirational this band is to the Echelon, then please, by all means, use that word because I cannnot think of just one word alone that is powerful enough to express what 30 Seconds To Mars means to the people that care so deeply about them.  They really are a whole-hearted, meaningful, true band and we are all their amazing family members, here to hold down whatever fort they may be stuck under :)  They really seemed to be enjoying themselves and I think they also really enjoyed some of the questions.  Jared even corrected the interviewer when he said that we were the band's "fans" hahaha, oh Jared ;)  Anyway, it was really nice to see that they are willing enough to take time out of their insanely hectic schedule to do a live (and very intertaining) Q&A for the Echelon.  It was totally awesome.  For everyone who missed it, I'm not sure if it's up on, I wouldnt doubt it though, but definitely check it out.  That's all really.  Keep them on your mind and in your heart. WE ARE ONE. WE ARE THE ECHELON.

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